Network Security

As organizations transition to digital platforms to secure a better audience reach, their primary concern is how secure their current platforms are against cyber-attacks that can interfere with their business. For example, fraud attacks are prevalent online, making their clients susceptible to stolen data and information. Therefore, it is vital to implement high-level network security on their digital platforms to prevent breaches. But which statements are factual and not about network securities? Here are some examples.

1. Having Network Security is Enough

Most businesses and organizations think that network security is enough to prevent cyber-attacks. Nevertheless, digital security goes beyond network security and includes application security, user access, and data encryption. Thus, businesses must ensure that their digital platforms are safe and secure. 

2. A Network Security System Covers All

Network security systems are designed to protect a network from unauthorized access and the data stored on the web. However, a network security system does not cover all aspects of digital security. Application security, user access, and data encryption are all critical aspects of digital security that must be considered to keep a business safe from cyber-attacks.

3. Network Security is Quick to Install

Network security systems can be quickly installed and do not require much time or resources to set up because most network security vendors offer pre-configured security solutions that can be easily deployed quickly. It contrasts with application security, which often requires custom configuration and can take weeks or months to deploy correctly.

4. Network Security is Equal To Cybersecurity

Network security and cybersecurity are not the same things. Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting your computer networks and systems from digital attacks. Network security is a subset of cybersecurity that focuses on protecting your network infrastructure from attacks. Therefore, cybersecurity is the umbrella term for all processes that ensure networks stay secure and invulnerable to attacks.

Benefits of Implementing Excellent Network Security Practices

1. Reduced Data Breach

There are plenty of data breaches that happen every day. Most of these breaches result from weak or stolen passwords, unpatched systems, or social engineering. By implementing excellent network security practices, you can reduce the chances of a data breach happening to your organization.

2. Improves Company Reputation

There are many companies out there that have been hacked and have had their customer data stolen. It can be a massive blow to a company’s reputation. By implementing strong security measures, you can help to protect your company’s reputation.

3. Helps Comply with Regulations

There are many laws and regulations in place that require businesses to protect the data of their customers. Customers or clients have the right to complain about data breaches or stolen information if they can prove that the company last. In many cases, if a business violates these regulations, it can face hefty fines.

4. Protects Businesses From Fraud

Businesses that take the necessary precautions to protect their customers' data are much less likely to experience fraud. When companies have proper security measures, it is much more difficult for criminals to steal information or commit fraud. It can help businesses save money and protect their reputation.


Organizations can protect their networks from cyber-attacks in several ways, including firewalls, intrusion detection, prevention systems, and encryption. Additionally, organizations should train employees to identify and avoid phishing attacks and other types of social engineering schemes.

SIP Oasis offers network security services for small businesses in Birmingham, AL. Our goal is to secure digital platforms used by companies online to ensure their clients of safe and secure transactions. Speak to our IT consultants today and learn more about the IT support we can provide for your business now.