The sum of all fears

It’s happened. Russian hackers breached a company that sells IT management tools. Kaseya is one of the largest IT technology companies in the U.S., and their tools are widely used in the industry. This scenario— hackers using our own management tools against us and our clients—has been the stuff of our nightmares, like the Yellowstone supervolcano is for geologists.

SIP Oasis does use some Kaseya products, but, fortunately, not the tool that was compromised. We were not affected, and neither were our clients.

But that’s the extent of the good news. The Russian hacker group REvil used the compromised IT company’s Remote Monitoring and Management platform to launch ransomware on more than 1,500 customer networks, just like we can install a Windows patch. Some IT companies went into the weekend with all their customers locked down and offline, and many are still struggling to recover.

REvil or copycat groups will do it again. We know that because this attack worked.

Here’s what you must do immediately:

Get real. Calculate how much revenue you would lose for a day or week of total downtime. Currently, a small business ransomware attack lasts over two weeks on average. Could you weather such an interruption?

Deploy layered security. It’s not good enough to have a firewall and virus protection. It’s not good enough to be in the cloud. No one thing is good enough anymore.

Review your cyber insurance policy. If you have no policy, get one. Cyber insurance is essential.

SIP Oasis has been developing a layered security approach to respond to the increasing and increasingly innovative threats from hackers. We’ve used our years of experience to determine which products among a confusingly crowded field to deploy to protect your business.

Now we’re stepping up our game even more. We are launching our Security Stack 2021 add-on, a special blend of technologies, former NSA security partners, and our own new Security Team to focus on nothing but security for our clients and ourselves.

The level of risk to your business today from cybercriminals is off-the-charts. You must take every precaution to protect your vital interests.

We can help. Find out more by reaching out to us at our contact page or by email at