
As businesses use more cloud services and direct their growth towards the digital space in the aftermath of the pandemic, the need for cybersecurity grows. Compared to tech giants in the industry like Google, other SEM businesses are more vulnerable to experiencing different kinds of cybercrime.

Online channels may provide solace during the time of social distancing and national quarantines, but it’s important to improve your cybersecurity as the digital landscape is rife with cybercrimes.

Skipping your cybersecurity in this post-pandemic world can put you at risk of cyberattacks, which is why you need to implement reliable cybersecurity measures to protect your company from malware, phishing, and other types of cyber threats. To that end, what can you do to improve your cybersecurity practices in a post-pandemic environment?

Exploring Cybersecurity Trends After the Pandemic 

1. A Fully Integrated Cybersecurity System 

It’s easy to assume that small businesses don’t need cybersecurity, but it’s crucial to deploy its practices to modernize the company’s culture. By integrating a cybersecurity system in place, businesses can have more room to train staff and raise their awareness of potential cyber threats.

More importantly, small ventures can have a cyberattack response plan that can hopefully protect businesses from suffering the full brunt of a cybercrime. After all, many start-ups don’t survive a full-blown cyberattack due to its expensive nature, so employing cybersecurity measures ensures your business can come prepared for whatever lay ahead. 

2. Seamless Merge of Network and Cybersecurity

Businesses are now embracing remote settings, which is why it makes sense to converge virtual private network (VPNs) solutions with better security controls. This enables businesses to combine different networks and guarantee each channel’s security, resulting in a seamless and safe cloud service. 

3. Improved Segmentation of Domains

Since moving onto the online world to support remote workplaces, cybersecurity companies now find better ways to segment data for businesses as different domains now merge. While utilizing a single, cloud-based network increases productivity and team efficiency in more ways than one, it also puts sensitive data at risk, so cybersecurity measures need to increase.

The Bottom Line: The Pivotal Role of Cybersecurity in Protecting Companies After COVID-19 

The world fully embraces digital transformation as the recent impact of the pandemic pushed different industries to go online to survive, paving the way for internet-driven solutions to keep society moving forward while countries went into national lockdowns.

Busy streets became empty for months during the height of the COVID-19 outbreak; that’s, that’s why industries find a silver lining online. As businesses go remote, the demand for a solid cybersecurity solution increases. 

Are You Looking for Small Business IT Support in Birmingham, AL?

In a digitally-oriented landscape, businesses need a wide range of reliable IT solutions more than ever. Part of the future-proofing of your company involves a solid cybersecurity strategy, which SIP Oasis can provide with our tailor-made managed IT services.

From data backup and recovery, network security, to VOIP services, we can simplify your IT efforts and keep your cloud-based channels secure. Get in touch with us at (205) 623-1200 and see what we can do to provide top-notch cybersecurity solutions for your business.